A number of readers of both ProBlogger and dPS have asked whether we are going to run a similar promotion on ProBlogger – hoping to pick up some ProBlogger eBooks at a discount.
We were not planning on it but who am I to say no!?!
Starting today we’re running a 50% discount for 3 days on any (or all) of 3 ProBlogger eBooks.
Lets call it the Three-For-Three-At-A-Half Sale (cheesey I know but this is spur of the moment).
Here’s what we’re offering:
For three days you can save 50% on any of these three great blogging eBooks, and there’s something for everyone…
If you’re just getting started …

just $9.99 and it’s yours!
Pick up a copy now
Making great early choices is vital to the long-term success of your blog. This ebook guides you, day by day, through your first week of blogging so you can make the most of those critical first few days.
It will ensure you’re blog is build on a rock solid foundation — a Probloggerdation.
If your plans are to turn your blog into a page view power house next year

New and updated for 2012, 31 Days to Build a Better Blog is a downloadable ebook designed to help you revitalize your blog.
One step at a time, it will transform your blog into the page view powerhouse you’ve always dreamed of — because we all love seven digit numbers on google analytics!
This is our best selling eBook ever – so join with many others and get involved.
Pick up a copy now
If your plans are to start earning real money from your blog in 2012

The Bloggers Guide To Online Marketing (normally $99.99) now $49.99.
A comprehensive, 31 chapter blueprint for your blog’s ongoing profitability – right from the ground up (AKA more cash!).
Backed by an extensive library of practical templates, printable worksheets, and in-practice example documents, this kit delivers all you need to make your blog turn a profit now, and over the long term.
Pick up a copy now
Three 3 deals are good for 3 days only, so make sure you don’t miss your chance to pick up a last minute Christmas bargain.
Grab one or Grab All Three – But Don’t Delay
I’ve chosen these 3 eBooks because they represent the 3 biggest needs among our readers – starting out, giving things a kick start when they’re slow and making money. So whatever your blogging goals are in 2012 I believe we’ve got you covered.
This sale ends in 3 days time on Friday 23 December at midnight US Eastern time) so don’t delay – they’ll all be full price again from 24th and into the new year.
Originally at: Blog Tips at ProBlogger
No Matter What Your Blogging Goals for 2012 Are… We’ve got a 50% Off Deal For You
Dec 20, 2011 (15 hours ago)
How to Host Guest Blogs while Building your Credibility
by Guest Blogger
This guest post is by Ronique Gibson of Freshome.
Once you have been blogging for a while, the reality of keeping your content fresh, relevant, and interesting becomes more of a challenge. One way to satisfy these challenges is to host guest blogs on your site. While there are plenty of tips out there on how to be a good guest blogger, what about being a gracious host? Similarly to inviting guests to your home, you want your guests to feel welcome, relaxed, and oh yeah, they should provide a gift to the party—worthwhile content!